The Strand Hotel in Yangon is one of the most iconic 5 star hotels in Asia. Built in 1901, it remains as awe inspiring as it was in the early 20th Century.
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Yangon, Rangoon ou Rangoun par le passé, n’est désormais plus la capitale du Myanmar (Birmanie), mais elle garde encore les traces de son passé et abrite la magnifique Pagode Shwedagon.
Gitameit Music Center is a non-profit music school and community center for children and adults in Yangon, Myanmar. We offer a full range of music courses, and
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Liquid Branding is a branding agency based in Bangkok, Thailand, and Yangon, Myanmar, which specialises in brand strategy, brand consultancy, design, advertising, and marketing communications.
Well-placed in the culture, sightseeing, religious interests area of Yangon City, Eden Palace Hotel provides a most conducive spot for you to take a break from your busy days.
Central Hotel is located in the heart of the Yangon where it is very comfortable to go interesting places such as Bogyoke Market, Sule Pagoda, World Wonderer Shwedagon Pagoda within 10 minutes drive while in Yangon stayed at Central Hotel.
MyLann is an online restaurant directory guide that provides accurate and detailed information about restaurants in Yangon. People can use MyLann restaurant search engine to find their desired dining places by townships such as Yankin, Bahan, and Kamayut,
Located in the yangon area where, the Queen, Shin Saw Pu, the one and only queen in Myanmar history, who gilded the Famous Shwedagon Pagoda with gold , equal to her own weight, had resided.
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We provide tremendous facilities for education systems in efficient manner. We believe to make a strategy goal through great knowledge and skills Brainworks Total Yangon School.