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Pengobatan Alternatif dengan Metode Wuji Qigong oleh Bapak Iskandar Ali, SE mengobati segala macam penyakit stroke,mata,scoliosis,telinga,saraf kejeit,diabetes,pelangsingan,dan lainnya.
The Wuji Xiao Yao Kung Fu Academy is based on the Wuji Xiao Yao System created by Grand Master Liang Shou-Yu, which comes from the Wuji and Xiao Yao martial arts of the Song Dynasty.
The Wuji Xiao Yao Kung Fu Academy is based on the Wuji Xiao Yao System created by Grand Master Liang Shou-Yu, which comes from the Wuji and Xiao Yao martial arts of the Song Dynasty.
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