Coldnoon: Travel Poetics, International Journal of Travel Writing (CTPIJTW) is a refereed, international and interdisciplinary online and print journal that publishes poetry, research papers and nonfiction on the subjects of travel, literary and human geo
Camera Obscura Journal- An Exhibition of Contemporary Literature and Photography. An independent biannual literary review featuring fiction and photography. Biannual Photography contest and writing award. Bookstores through Ingram Periodicals, Ubiquity, d
RWW Soundings is the online literary and program journal of the Rainier Writing Workshop, a low-residency MFA Program in Creative Writing at Pacific Lutheran
A year of daily journal writing prompts, questions & actions to fill your journal with memories, self-reflection, creativity & direction. Plus over 400 Quotes.
Multiple colored journal leather covers, writing journals and faux leather journals. Many of our leather journals can be custom imprinted. Find journals and notebooks with lined or blank pages.
Camera Obscura Journal- An Exhibition of Contemporary Literature and Photography. An independent biannual literary review featuring fiction and photography. Biannual Photography contest and writing award. Bookstores through Ingram Periodicals, Ubiquity, d
Writing The Journey is an online journal writing workshop designed for anyone who wants to explore
the meaning of life and life events through journal keeping. While anyone can write about the events of the day, a spiritual
journal digs
The best journal writing tips, blogging tips, how to blog, and information about how to keep a journal. Shop for personalized journals and gift pens in our gift shop.
The Journal of Response to Writing publishes papers based on research, theory, and/or practice that meaningfully contribute to an understanding of how response practices lead to better writing.
The Write Path offers poetry therapy, journal writing groups, therpay groups and creative writing to individuals located in Boise, Idaho and across the Northwest.
Start a journal, start a community. Doccler lets you start writing online. Sign up today to start meeting like-minded people, set up your journal and build a following.