We can help, assisting in bathing, nappy changing, dressing, medications, change of wound dressing, cooking, meal preparation, laundry, ironing, shopping, accompany clients to clinics/hospitals/church and general home help.
It is our mission to improve the health and quality of life of the served population by providing quality, cost effective, safe and reliable home health care and social support services.
Our health care professionals shall provide quality cost-effecti
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China Medical Fabric Online Market is best Transparent Wound Dressing, Sterile Wound Dressing and Waterproof Wound Dressing supplier, we has good quality products & service from China.
Human Biosciences Inc. is a leading Manufacturers and Suppliers of Advanced Wound Care,Skin Temp,Bovine Collagen,Burn Dressing,Collagen Supplements,Wound Care Dressings.
TAPEless Medical offers a unique combination of features resulting in a product that is nReusable non-adhesive dressing systems and wound dressings that are non-adhesive, non-allergenic, non-constrictive, washable, reusable, bandages, breathes and has 100
The Original Pink Wound Dressing has been healing animal wounds for over three decades. It was developed by Lou Martella in Dallas, Texas over 30 years ago and has been healing all kinds of wound problems ever since.