THE PRICE OF FAVOR: What Words Would Jesus Say? Begins with, going through God's process, trusting God's process, and His faithfulness to fulfill His promises and purpose in us.
THE PRICE OF FAVOR: What Words Would Jesus Say? Begins with, going through God's process, trusting God's process, and His faithfulness to fulfill His promises and purpose in us. - Educational reference on historical Jesus of Nazareth including Jesus Christ life biography, and his own words, teachings and parables - Educational reference on historical Jesus of Nazareth including Jesus Christ life biography, and his own words, teachings and parables
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. (by DLWyer)
Ministry with Encouraging Research on Women in the Bible, the words of Jesus, the writings of Paul, and the way to Freedom in Jesus Christ for all people.
Words of Jesus Book and eBook (e-Book) - Jesus Christ: His Words, Teachings, Parables, And Miracles (With Concordance And New Testament Reference Study Bible)
The Webs' #1 site for Christian News. Articles on Christian growth focusing on the teachings of Jesus - not the false apostle Paul. Free pdf downloads, bible syudy, parents section, apologetics, ethics, etc.