In September 2014 I laaunched my newest choirs as a part of Westchester Youth Choirs - Westchester Girls Chorus (5th - 8th grade), Westchester Young Womens Chorus (for high schoolers) and Westchester Boys Chorus (for boys and young men 8 - 18). Find us
Celebrating Carillon's 14th anniversary, the Carillon Women's Chorale was formed in 2001 by Karen Nevins for adult women from all walks of life and have a passion for singing beautiful music written for women and by women composers. Repe
The award-winning Cascade Harmony Chorus is an extraordinary group of women of all ages from the Willamette Valley who share a love of singing four-part a cappella harmony.
Sugar Beach A Cappella Chorus is an all-women\'s barbership-style choral group with over 30 singers of all ages and walks of life. We sing for our Community, at public and private events and functions. If you’re looking for a unique musical exper
Sugar Beach A Cappella Chorus is an all-women\'s barbership-style choral group with over 30 singers of all ages and walks of life. We sing for our Community, at public and private events and functions. If you’re looking for a unique musical exper
St. Louis women's barbershop chorus, directed by Master Director, Diane Huber, who inspires us to reach new heights with each performance. Member of Sweet Adelines International.