His working process is that of transposition of the witticism, sometimes sad of the contemporary society, in real daily objects. This affects the deep emotional sphere of the viewers, without being aggressive, vulgar or embarrassing, but rather liberating
The Duelists: A dazzling Display of swordfighting brilliance! Swordfighting and comedy duo, match wit and witticism, insult and innuendo. Available for faires, festivals, parties and corporate events throughout the U.S.
Chuck Pender processes. A gentle intertwined brilliant witticism that inspires you to grow and address life difficulties which sheer gratification. He has the uncanny ability of wavering deep and profound truths into a call of awareness so that you may co
Welcome to Limey in Florida – Film and Critique Posted on14 Days Ago by sherlockholmes221b78 I have a passion for the viewing of film: cinema and television, and witticism. I also have a love for the weaving of words, particularly the ones over two syll
Wherein we are boggled by the wit, witticism, and occasional outright weirdness of gamers. Shit My Players Say is a collection of D&D quotes, captured by us over our many years of gaming, or submitted...
Personal home page of Gary L. Simmons including Gary's Joke of the Weak, the Battle Cat's Marathon maps and net packs, Forge tips and web building help.
The Simile Bank is a resource for similes and related figures of speech. The bank's mission is to collect clever, amusing similes that people can use to spice up their writing or conversation.