Therapy for adults, couples & children - Chico, CA. Fees based on a sliding scale. First session is free!!!
We take some insurance and victim withness.
10+ years of experience
Ferguson Shooting Mike Brown Shot & Killed Dead 18-year-old UNARMED!!!, New video from the Michael Brown shooting death, Tiffany Mitchell eye withness the murder of Michael Brown, Exclusive Unreleased Eyewitness Crime Scene Footage Of Mike Brown Murde
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Disclaimer: EX-JWs United in Christ wish it to be known that we have no affiliation whatsoever with anyone who uses our domain/website title unlawfully to promote themselves, their goals or undermine us on You Tube or any other social network by the nam
Disclaimer: EX-JWs United in Christ wish it to be known that we have no affiliation whatsoever with anyone who uses our domain/website title unlawfully to promote themselves, their goals or undermine us on You Tube or any other social network by the nam