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e-windfarm™ was created to provide a science and specific software tools to analyse, understand and optimize the performance of windfarms.
We take a systemic view at wind power assets and provide a dedicated quantitative framework to go about them.
e-windfarm™ was created to provide a science and specific software tools to analyse, understand and optimize the performance of windfarms.
We take a systemic view at wind power assets and provide a dedicated quantitative framework to go about them.
Saorgus Energy Ltd. specialises in the development of large wind energy sites in Ireland and has interests in several large projects throughout the country.
We Oppose Wind Farms, or W.O.W is an anti-wind organization know around the world. We are based in Brandon, NY, USA. Our organization has fought against the destruction the wind turbines, or wind energy companies bring to low income poverty stricken areas
GrundStein Group of Companies, main focus is within human resources and construction industry. The entire group of companies works within various sectors. – Investments, Financing, -Green environmental projects, -Innovation with their top adviso
Specialist brokers in marine construction industry especially offshore windfarms in sale, purchase and chartering of jackup barges, tugs, multicats, pontoons etc. Agents for 400 / 800t floating crane