Meadowmat wildflower turf is a UK grown, low maintenance landscaping material that will quickly and easily make a wild flower meadow in your garden to attract butterflies and bees
Wildflowers on-line offers 54 different wildflower seeds and wildflower species and 20 regionally formulated mixtures, clover seeds, dichondra seeds and meadow grasses for sale. Our on-line Flower Finder can help you find the right flower for your region.
Judy Glattstein is a gardener with special interests in bulbs, native plants, woodlands plants and more. She shares her knowledge through books, lectures, and garden consultations.
Green Roofing Supplies stock everything you need to install your own DIY green roof or living wall, as well as products to encourage wildlife into your garden
British Wild Flowers - Create your own Wild Flower Meadow & attract Wildlife to your Garden - buy Plug, Pond, Bog & Water Plants, Bulbs, Seeds & Meadow Mixes & Wild Flower Honey
We supply Native UK Wild Flower, Wildflower Seed, Plug Plantsand Bulbs. As well as a native range of Horse Padoock Seed and a great range of amenity lawn seed. all at competitive prices.