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The BALEDON Stud was founded forty years ago. Their Achievements speaks for itself 24 consecutive Royal Welsh Winners 8 Olympia qualifiers and championships at all the major county shows.
Breeders of Welsh mountain ponies & cobs. Stallions at stud, including two thoroughbred stallions. Youngstock usually for sale. Experienced horse dentist available all areas.
Breeding Quality Welsh Mountain Ponies which have won at major shows, affiliated to the Welsh Pony and Cob Society, National Pony Society and the British Palomino Society. Kind temperament and very versatile.
Breeding Welsh Cobs renowned the world over for their performance. Thorneyside Cobs are some of the current UK champions in showing and driving spheres.
A small stud breeding Welsh ponies, cobs & part breds for performance and temperament. Old fashioned bloodlines producing
bone and action for riding and driving.