The original preemie site featuring the story of Thomas King, born 15 weeks premature in 1994 weighing 1 lb 10 oz. Orginally known as Tommy's CyberNursery
Born Premature at 26½ weeks and weighing only 2 LBS, This is the five month journal of Isla's stay at the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada
In 2006 my son was born premature with an underlying heart condition, he was very ill and was taken straight into the NICU where he spent the next 4 weeks. A nurse on the unit advised me to keep a record of his progress and my feelings and gave me a bla
Pictures, videos, and updates follow the life of twins, Frank and Oliver, who were born at 26 weeks gestation due to premature rupture of membrane from surgery to treat twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.