En México, COSS Consulting brinda soporte técnico y venta de productos de Barracuda Networks Inc, que es líder mundial en seguridad, Entrega de Aplicaciones y Soluciones de Protección de Datos.
A BluePex desenvolve produtos e serviços para aumentar a segurança e melhorar o uso e o controle da Internet. Suas soluções incluem o UTM Firewall, AVware Antivírus, IMControl e outros.
Der Internet Filter von Salfeld sorgt für ein sicheres Internet für Kinder. Kindersicherung, Kinderschutz-Software, FragFinn, Webfilter und andere Sicherheitslösungen rund um das Thema Kinder im Internet.
WebBlock 2012 - filters and blocks websites and the search for websites with certain illegal or adult contents. Professional webfilter solution for all computers with public internet access such as internet cafes, schools, companies and personal computers
WebBlock 2012 - filters and blocks websites and the search for websites with certain illegal or adult contents. Professional webfilter solution for all computers with public internet access such as internet cafes, schools, companies and personal computers
Integrasul Controle e Imunidade Virtual tem como foco segurança da informação. Desenvolve e implanta soluções de firewall, antivírus, antispam, webfilter. Tem como principais parceiros a Trend Micro, Vmware, Red Hat, Zarafa, Arkeia e Qualys.
WebBlock 2012 - filters and blocks websites and the search for websites with certain illegal or adult contents. Professional webfilter solution for all computers with public internet access such as internet cafes, schools, companies and personal computers
One Web Proxy to bypass webfuilets and hide your IP while surging internet. Unblock sites that are blocked on your school or country with our web proxy site thanks to our U.S server
antispameurope Managed Security Services schützen die IT-Infrastruktur und Daten von Unternehmen als vorgelagerter Schutzwall „in the Cloud“ weit außerhalb der Grenzen der unternehmenseigenen Netzwerke. Die SaaS-Lösungen können ohne zusätzliche Software,