Jeremy Cates, Laura Cates, and Family on catesMEDIA Proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America through Music, Video, Art, and Teaching.
Broadcasting Christ-centered messages in both Audio and Video. Gospel preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ. Bible discussions and blog. Powerful sermons.
Jeremy Cates, Laura Cates, and Family on catesMEDIA Proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America through Music, Video, Art, and Teaching.
The latest Tweets from Logan (@LoganGreer). Middle School Minister at @chjoplin. I love: movies, dogs, reading, teaching, video games, dinosaurs, my wife, my daughter, snow, design, Church, and Jesus. Joplin, MO
Jeremy Cates, Laura Cates, and Family on catesMEDIA Proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America through Music, Video, Art, and Teaching.
This site answers basic questions about evidence for Christianity. Why should we believe the Bible is the word of God? Basic Christian beliefs are explained in a easy to understand format with Bible references. Incudes a section on cults & has video f
your most complete source for finding and listening to Christian radio and Christian TV stations, programs, on demand content, Christian MP3 music downloads, and Podcasts
Audio/video Bible studies on how to experience God’s miracle healing power. David Martin brings to life the words of Jesus; “He that believes in Him would do what He did and greater.” David teaches from the Bible how all believers are called to a miracle
Join Tony Moore for an exciting view of the Holy Land through his DVD series which have been featured in national television programs. Tony's tours to the Holy Land offer additional insights to this vast and wonderful country.
A malayalam Christian channel from Kerala broadcasting powerfull life changing preachings, songs youth programmes and christian documentaries by the grace of God for the enrichment of the body of Christ All over the world.
MyFaithTVNetwork is a christian faith based television station dedicated to the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.. all over the world; training & utilizing technology & social media for kingdom expansion.
Reach Out Fellowship website , Pastor Jerry Lynn, Teaching Bible Verse By Verse, Expository, Teaching,Power Of the Holy Spirit, Studying the Old Testament
This site answers basic questions about evidence for Christianity. Why should we believe the Bible is the word of God? Basic Christian beliefs are explained in a easy to understand format with Bible references. Incudes a section on cults & has video f
This site answers basic questions about evidence for Christianity. Why should we believe the Bible is the word of God? Basic Christian beliefs are explained in a easy to understand format with Bible references. Incudes a section on cults & has video f
This site answers basic questions about evidence for Christianity. Why should we believe the Bible is the word of God? Basic Christian beliefs are explained in a easy to understand format with Bible references. Incudes a section on cults & has video f
We are servants of the most high GOD and servants of Jesus Christ. Our main goal is to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We also teach to enhance the lives of other Christians and to lead those that do no know the Lord Jesus Chris