Atma Vicharam, is the cream of Yogic and Vedic wisdom, offered in a nut shell to cater to the requirements of a busy schedule of life. It is a simple, practical, process–oriented experiential programme, wherein lies its efficacy to cure the Body, Mind and
Vichara Technologies specializes in providing technology solutions to institutional capital market participants. Vichara has helped some of the world's foremost banks, securities dealers, insurance companies, investment managers, issuers, and financi
Vichara Technologies specializes in providing technology solutions to institutional capital market participants. Vichara has helped some of the world's foremost banks, securities dealers, insurance companies, investment managers, issuers, and financi
Vichara Technologies specializes in providing technology solutions to institutional capital market participants. Vichara has helped some of the world's foremost banks, securities dealers, insurance companies, investment managers, issuers, and financi
Medavida y Bienestar Holístico surge como posibilidad consciente para vivir la interconexión que hay en la vida como un todo en armonía. Nuestras células son influenciadas por nuestros pensamientos, emociones y hábitos.
This website is about the Indian sage Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi who lived on the sacred mountain Arunachala. The site presents the teaching of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, a biography of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, accounts of the devotees of Bhagav