COAT OF ARMOR COLOR SEAL is a finish top coat that is applied directly to cleaned new or existing sanded and unsanded porous grout. The Color Sealer has a chemical reaction with the grout that hardens in the pores. It dries to a natural look and feel and
LATICRETE is a world-wide manufacturer ceramic tile and stone installation systems used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Materials such as waterproofing anti-fracture membranes, tile grout, tile adhesives and electric radiant heatin
LATICRETE is a world-wide manufacturer ceramic tile and stone installation systems used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Materials such as waterproofing anti-fracture membranes, tile grout, tile adhesives and electric radiant heatin
LATICRETE is a world-wide manufacturer ceramic tile and stone installation systems used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Materials such as waterproofing anti-fracture membranes, tile grout, tile adhesives and electric radiant heatin