Charles Farhadian is a professor of world religions in California. He has been taking photographs since high school and enjoys taking. Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Baha’is hail from all walks of life and all corners of the world, but all of us are united by our belief that there is only one God, that all people are created equal and that all the world’s great religions share the same essence. We believe that world p
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
Interfaith International is a non-governmental association of individuals with 'special' Consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council. It aims to promote the rights of persons of all different religions and ethnic groups.
The Institute of Oriental Philosophy -United Kingdom (IOP-UK) is an academic research and study centre focusing on the religions and philosophies of Asia, with particular reference to Buddhism.
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. OWW bring together people of many religions and cultures to grow together in mutual understanding of the shared values embodied in human rights relating to freedom from want. Growing Together will stress the nee
Religions Working Together - bringing people of different faiths together in order to tackle common social problems and to demonstrate broadly that people of different faiths can live and work together in harmony, and be a united force for the good.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.
On their global tour the United Buddy Bears which are painted by international artists promote tolerance and understanding between different nations, cultures and religions.