Genesis detail study of first three chapters, home page. Articles; Evolution, Creation, Sources of Paganism in Eden, Biblical number sets. Daniel 1290 & 1335; Lawless one. NOT a gematria method for 666.
Here one can find a vast array of studies related to Jesus and his God, including studies related to trinity proof texts, the oneness doctrine, and the pre-human existence of Jesus.
Christian, Bible, doctrine, theology, God, Jesus, gospel, hermeneutics, interpret the Bible, substitutionary death of christ, faith, salvation, trinity, wood working
Does Adventism teach the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity? Or do they just use the term and redefine it, denying the actual doctrine? Find out for yourself.
At the core of Muslim and Christian beliefs is the doctrine of God. Christians believe God is Triune and the importance of this belief can be seen in the churches and universities that have Trinity in their name.
Does Adventism teach the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity? Or do they just use the term and redefine it, denying the actual doctrine? Find out for yourself.
Does Adventism teach the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity? Or do they just use the term and redefine it, denying the actual doctrine? Find out for yourself.
The Real Christ analyzes Bible teaching about Jesus Christ and Christology, concluding that the Trinity is an incorrect and unBiblical doctrine. It's also a devotional study of the personality and psychology of Jesus.
Does Adventism teach the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity? Or do they just use the term and redefine it, denying the actual doctrine? Find out for yourself.
Rooted in The Bible: First Church of Christ acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ, and holds as truth the doctrine of the Trinity: God as Father and Creator, Jesus as the Son and Savior, and the Holy Spirit as Guide and Comforter. It further ackno
Christian Music Community, discussing every aspect of Christian music from Exclusive Psalmody to Traditional Hymns to Praise and Worship, Gospel and even Christian Hip Hop. Join, Discuss and Contribute.
This site answers basic questions about evidence for Christianity. Why should we believe the Bible is the word of God? Basic Christian beliefs are explained in a easy to understand format with Bible references. Incudes a section on cults & has video f