Florida transitional living program serving Palm Beach County, call (561) 543-1028. StartLiving Intensive Outpatient Treatment offers the best in a variety of individual and group therapies, free confidential consultations available.
Clean Adventures Oregon, LLC. helps you take the skills you learned in residential treatment and transfer the skills of sobriety with our long-term transitional living program.
In Balance Living is a transitional living program for young men 18-25 years of age and is based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and research-based relapse prevention models.
In Balance Living is a transitional living program for young men 18-25 years of age and is based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and research-based relapse prevention models.
Oregon Trail Recovery, LLC. helps you take the skills you learned in residential treatment and transfer the skills of sobriety with our long-term transitional living program.
Eden Hill is a transitional living facility for adult women in recovery. Women's Sober Living Extended Care Program is located in the foothills of the...
Positve Pathways, Inc. is a private agency located in Virginia. The agency provides homebased counseling and mentoring services. There is also a transitional living program for males between the ages of 13 and 17.
Company Name - Lawton, OK. A transitional living program that provides housing, supportive services and street outreach for youth 18 to 21 years of age in the LAwotn Fts. Sill community
The U Remain House of Healing is a sober living program that provides a safe, sober, structured transitional sober living community for women recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. We provide a bridge from addiction back to “real life.” Our community