The Trading Journal Spreadsheet is an easy to use, extremely informative (trade tracking) spreadsheet. Track, analyze, improve... to make every trade count.
A trading journal to track your stocks and futures trades. Maximize the return on your capital with a trading log and reporting tools. StockTickr is a trading diary that works for you.
A trading journal to track your stocks and futures trades. Maximize the return on your capital with a trading log and reporting tools. StockTickr is a trading diary that works for you.
TradingDiary Pro is a trading journal and portfolio management software which can record your trading performance. You can forget the Excel templates and sheets you spent weeks building and then need to fill in on a daily basis!
See how keeping a forex trading journal online is a great help while trading. Learn how trading journal in forex can be a good source of education for trading.
TradingDiary Pro is a trading journal and portfolio management software which can record your trading performance. You can forget the Excel templates and sheets you spent weeks building and then need to fill in on a daily basis!
Ditch your spreadsheet - Our Journal can help you log trades while improving discipline, reducing mistakes and help you master your trading psychology.
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The4xJournal software allows you to journal your forex currency trades. Some features include: Note entry for each currency pair you trade. The ability to insert and store your chart screenshots with notes about that specific trade. Insert observed or bac