BeFunky Photo Editor lets you apply photo effects, edit photos and create photo collages with collage maker. Online Photo editing and creating collages has never been easier.
Todo Gimp es una recopilación de recursos relacionados con Gimp, el programa de software libre alternativa a photoshop, en Todo Gimp podrás encontrar cursos, tutoriales, actividades, pinceles, noticias, curiosidades y un foro sobre Gimp is the premiere site for learning advanced digital image editing techniques using the GNU Image Manipulation Program, the GIMP. The site includes GIMP tutorials, the complete text of Grokking the GIMP, and a copyright-free photo archive. has great GIMP tutorials, lessons, and resources for creating amazing photos and graphics. Learn how to create effects and manipulate images using the free Photoshop alternative.
Работа в графическом редакторе GIMP, уроки для начинающих, видеоуроки, примеры и приемы для новичков. Плагины Gimp. Тут можно скачать Gimp 2.6 и Gimp 2.7 для Windows.
Find Editing Photo, Gimp 2.6 Tutorials and more at Get the best of Gimp Tutorial or Gimp Photo Editing, browse our section on Gimp Photo Editor or learn about Free Tutorials. is the site for Editing Photo., New tutorials in plain English. Discover how to transform your regular out of the camera photos into images to WOW your friends. Practise step-by-step tutorials with effects, image manipulation, layers, and much more. all for Gimp