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Nick Bryant: A few thoughts. Poems about becoming: “Well Coming Change”, “Dharma Kāya Tathāgata Dhamma”, and “Tathā dukkha āgata eka”. And “E=MC², meditation on meditation”.
凡所有相,皆是虛妄,若見諸相非相,則見如來 - 金剛經 Everything with form is unreal, if all forms are seen as unreal the Tathagata will be perceived." - Diamond Sutra Artist Statement Blank canvases are like people’s hearts,...
Fundamental Buddhism Explained Buddha's Teachings Buddhist Instruction Explanation of Buddhism based on the Pali Canon recognized by Buddhist scholars as the oldest record of what the Buddha taught
Buddha's Robe is Sewn. Booklet about Buddhist robes (kesa, okesa, rakusu), how they are sewn, robe symbolism, sewing techniques, stiching, patterns shown on garments
Fundamental Buddhism Explained Buddha's Teachings Buddhist Instruction Explanation of Buddhism based on the Pali Canon recognized by Buddhist scholars as the oldest record of what the Buddha taught