Dies ist die Vereinsseite des Taekwondoclub Hankook.
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu dem Verein, Termine, Neuigkeiten und viele Informationen zu Taekwondo
Tae Kwon Do Club is a free and educational website for those interested in the martial arts, its history, its benefits and specifically Tae Kwon Do (sometimes spelled taekwondo, takekwondo, TKD). There is something for everyone from child to adult, from
Tae Kwon Do Club is a free and educational website for those interested in the martial arts, its history, its benefits and specifically Tae Kwon Do (sometimes spelled taekwondo, takekwondo, TKD). There is something for everyone from child to adult, from
Rochester Taekwondo Club and its affiliates were founded in 1976 develops the mind and body through the practice of martial art. Locations include Rochester NY, Fairport NY, Perinton NY, Palmyra NY, Lynchburg VA, Edgewood KY, Victor NY.