Katherine E. Gibson. Welcome to the Gibson lab at the University of Massachusetts Boston Biology department. Cell cycle regulation of Sinorhizobium meliloti bacteria, symbionts of legume plants that perform nitrogen fixation within host nodules. Bacteria
A group of humanoid – fungal symbionts who split their consciousnesses across multiple timelines through multiple incarnations of a planet which have sever
We are a growing team within the Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC). We have broad interests within the evolutionary ecology of birds and their symbionts (see Research). Each member develops his/her own research, with d
Premier site dedicated to French symbionts Marvel. You'll find Venom but also the complete story of Spider-man returns to his secret wars, Arnage, toxins and other with the list of comics where they appear.
Tobin Hammer is a Ph.D. student in Noah Fierer's lab at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He studies the ecology and evolution of microbial symbiosis in insects, focusing on tropical Lepidoptera.