Welkom op Surrealisme Surrealisme de website van surrealist Willem den Broeder. Hier vindt u al het werk in vele disciplines van deze kunstenaar, maar ook linken naar surrealisten uit binnen- en buitenland van vroeger en nu. Voor inlichtingen over surrea
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Bård (dukepope) Sandemose is a Norwegian illustrator, graphic designer/artist (and musician). Click the above link to enter a colourful, funky universe of unexpected juxtapositions and creative buffoonery.
Artastic Destination is an art gallery located in scenic Huntington Village, New York. We are located at 372 New York Avenue, and are open Weds, Thurs, and Sunday 12-8pm, Fri. and Sat. 12-9pm.
Artwork and a complete novel can be found at ClaudiaM.com. Paintings of realistic as well as visionary themes complement a mystery about artists in Soho. The site also links to note cards and greeting cards featuring Claudia Markovich's artwork.
Philadelphia based artist George Apotsos is a first-generation Greek-American, born in 1961 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He is a 1985 graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. He has shown his work through out the Mid-Atlantic region including
Mysticus Publishing is a boutique store for the creations of world-renowned Tucson artist and musician Daniel Martin Diaz, and wife and co-founder of their band Blind Divine, Paula Catherine Valencia.
Artwork and a complete novel can be found at ClaudiaM.com. Paintings of realistic as well as visionary themes complement a mystery about artists in Soho. The site also links to note cards and greeting cards featuring Claudia Markovich's artwork.