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Hancock County Metropolitan Housing Authority provides rent assistance and subsidized housing in Findlay, Ohio and Hancock, Hardin, Seneca and Putnam Counties.
Onaway senior citizen HUD subsidized apartments, Lynn Street Manor apartments, Rent based on income, northern michigan setting, yet just minutes from downtown Onaway Michigan
Looking for Senior Living Options? Find it at Subsidized Senior Living - your one stop shop for Senior Living Options costs, photos, reviews, and more.
The Largest Minority Owned Mangement Agent of Subsidized Housing in the South Central United States, Specializing in Section 8, Section 202, and PRAC Properties.
Long Beach Community Improvement League, a community based nonprofit service offers subsidized child care for low-income families in Long Beach, California.
AdCar Associates is a team of housing management consultants. We specialize in multifamily housing that is insured, held or subsidized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).