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A Blog criticizing society's stupidity. From incorrect grammar, improper communication, social conventions
to terrible music, Dirty Sanchez covers it all.
Your Portal to Stupidity -- The Net's Largest Media Archive for anything Humorous and/or Bizarre. Updated several times each day. A seemingly endless highly organized collection of videos, pictures, games, celebrity mugshots, nude celebrities, top 10 lis
Domestic Stupidity is dedicated to exposing individuals who abuse, or assisted in the abuse, of the domestic violence laws created to protect real victims.
Since the dawn of creation, or beginning of time, depending on your definition of good posture, man has exhibited a limitless capacity for committing incredible acts of stupidity. Nominees for the Darwin Awards abound. We hope these shows will expose othe
This is the official website for Terry Crowdy's new book, Military Misdemeanours: Corruption, incompetence, lust and downright stupidity published by
Osprey Publishing.
a blog about the con jobs, idiocy and stupidity which so many in authority seem to be foisting off onto gullible people. Don’t believe what is said without proof.
Have you got mates that are chavs? Upload their stupid baseball capped, sportswear wearing, bling photos for other members to rate. Rate photos by stupidity and shame a chav today!