Learn about the use of empty force in tai chi, qigong, meditation and Buqi treatment. Discover the different ways to activate the dantian and open the five main energy channels in the body. We use spontaneous movement and vibration forces as tools to trea
Learn about the use of empty force in tai chi, qigong, meditation and Buqi treatment. Discover the different ways to activate the dantian and open the five main energy channels in the body. We use spontaneous movement and vibration forces as tools to trea
Learn about the use of empty force in tai chi, qigong, meditation and Buqi treatment. Discover the different ways to activate the dantian and open the five main energy channels in the body. We use spontaneous movement and vibration forces as tools to trea
Learn about the use of empty force in tai chi, qigong, meditation and Buqi treatment. Discover the different ways to activate the dantian and open the five main energy channels in the body. We use spontaneous movement and vibration forces as tools to trea
Learn about the use of empty force in tai chi, qigong, meditation and Buqi treatment. Discover the different ways to activate the dantian and open the five main energy channels in the body. We use spontaneous movement and vibration forces as tools to trea
Qigong and Light Gong are ancient self healing techniques using meditation and movement to trigger the healing response within the body. Teaching Awakening Light Gong, Tai Chi 37, Qigong Dancing, Meditation. Essence Educational videos and articles.
Qigong and Light Gong are ancient self healing techniques using meditation and movement to trigger the healing response within the body. Teaching Awakening Light Gong, Tai Chi 37, Qigong Dancing, Meditation. Essence Educational videos and articles.
Qigong and Light Gong are ancient self healing techniques using meditation and movement to trigger the healing response within the body. Teaching Awakening Light Gong, Tai Chi 37, Qigong Dancing, Meditation. Essence Educational videos and articles.
Qigong and Light Gong are ancient self healing techniques using meditation and movement to trigger the healing response within the body. Teaching Awakening Light Gong, Tai Chi 37, Qigong Dancing, Meditation. Essence Educational videos and articles.