Spiral Dynamics integral, ein Modell, das von Clare Graves begründet und von Don Beck weiterentwickelt und in Unternehmen, Institutionen, Organisationen, Teams und ganzen Kulturen rund um den Globus angewandt wird.
PiALOGUE: Holocracy Definition which is a Disambiguation Process, (also PiALOG, PiALOGIC, PiALOGICAL), Triangulating on TRUTH via Profoundly Interactive Dialogue, a Superset of Bohm Dialogue or Dialogue in the Spirit of Bohm, Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi
PiALOGUE: About which is a Disambiguation Process, (also PiALOG, PiALOGIC, PiALOGICAL), Triangulating on TRUTH via Profoundly Interactive Dialogue, a Superset of Bohm Dialogue or Dialogue in the Spirit of Bohm, Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi), & Socra
People are at the core of your business and your life. Understanding how they think, what motivates them and how best to lead them and yourself,is key to taking your life and business to the next level.
People are at the core of your business and your life. Understanding how they think, what motivates them and how best to lead them and yourself,is key to taking your life and business to the next level.
Bienvenue sur ce site consacré à divers arts du changements : des modèles de sciences humaines, des outils d'analyse, des méthodes de communication ou de thérapie. Vous trouverez des descriptions des modèles dont on parle sur ce site, ce qui vous per