Welcome to the website for SCID - The Social Complexity of Immigration and Diversity. SCID is an interdisciplinary project from The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University. The project runs from September 2010 to August 2015. It
Text network analysis, social network design, workshops, consulting, and graph interfaces. Nodus Labs is an exploratorium of ideas and tools in network analysis, complexity science, and data visualization.
NexGen Marketing is the simple approach to the complexity of inbound marketing & web design. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, & PPC.
Did you know you could actually get bigger…if you want to?
Not your waistline or your house, your wardrobe or your social sphere. Not even your database of knowledge.
We’re talking about your mind, your worldview, your identity, your complexity, your capa
Programming and conducting behavioral experiments of any complexity in public policy, business & social sciences adapted to your needs. Get a quote now!
My current work deals with visual/verbal communication systems. Complexity is built with organic images fused together with text to suggest subtle and polite statements of social matters. Drawing in a
We simplify! We reduce the complexity of integrating your websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other social media with cost-effective solutionsescription
Skin can and does serve as a site of personal, cultural and social complexity. It is in fact a barrier demarcating the internal and external world while simultaneously chronicling th
My practice, in the dialectic (past, present and future) and its implications in which synthetic structure of the modern world in all its complexity of political, social, cultural and environmental. With a particular focus of modern social structure and t
H3uni is more than a social enterprise, it is a global adventure into new ways of working together to create a new pattern of living that takes into account complexity, interconnectedness and emergence. The curriculum, learning methods and underpinning ps
NexGen Marketing is the simple approach to the complexity of inbound marketing & web design. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, & PPC.