Orgonite the great healer for protecting against negative harmful EMF'S from electronic devices. Transforms negative energy into positive energy. Helps to dissolve and get rid of stored or blocked past experiences in the body, freeing uplifting empower
Use EMFtransformer for EMF or electromagnetic fields, smartphone/cellphone radiation, the brain’s electrical activity is significantly overstimulated from the electromagnetic radiation a smart phone produces.
Use EMFtransformer for EMF or electromagnetic fields, smartphone/cellphone radiation, the brain’s electrical activity is significantly overstimulated from the electromagnetic radiation a smart phone produces.
Orgonite the great healer for protecting against negative harmful EMF'S from electronic devices. Transforms negative energy into positive energy. Helps to dissolve and get rid of stored or blocked past experiences in the body, freeing uplifting empower
The time is ripe now to acknowledge and understand the risks and to adopt precautions. With a few simple basic precautions we can shield ourselves and our families from the majority of this electro-magnetic radiation.
There is now a large & growing body of evidence that mobile phone use can damage children’s health. We are helping young people cut the risks and still stay connected. Watch our short film to find out about the campaign