Elk-Skegemog Lakes Association, ESLA, is a non-profit organization, and is one of the oldest, largest, and most effective riparian associations in Michigan. ESLA’s focus is in protecting the environment, monitoring development, tracking water quality and
A trusted real estate advisor in Elk Rapids Mi, serving Elk Lake, Torch Lake, Lake Skegemog, Clam Lake, Lake Bellaire, Elk River, Torch River, Clam River, Grass River, Grand Traverse Bay, East Bay, Lake Michigan.
A trusted real estate advisor in Elk Rapids Mi, serving Elk Lake, Torch Lake, Lake Skegemog, Clam Lake, Lake Bellaire, Elk River, Torch River, Clam River, Grass River, Grand Traverse Bay, East Bay, Lake Michigan.
Torch River Marine full service marine, in Rapid City, MI located on the south end of torch lake. Offering boat slips, rack storage in/out service, boat sales, pontoon boat rentals and ski boat rentals for Torch Lake, Elk Lake, Torch River, Skegemog Lake,
Township Neighbors Network keep citizens informed on issues affecting the quality of life and property rights of Elk Rapids, Milton and Torch Lake Townships
Township Neighbors Network keep citizens informed on issues affecting the quality of life and property rights of Elk Rapids, Milton and Torch Lake Townships