Participate in various online competitions and win enormous prizes. One of the places to look out for specific details about many online events like drawing competitions, essay competition 2012, drawing contest is available in the site competearoundthewor
Her work addresses issues of social and political content. Comments on migration, war, identity, translate into site-specific installations and multimedia pieces including video, performance art, photography and drawing.
Website featuring the visual arts portfolio of Jason Middlebrook, a mixed-media contemporary artist who works in sculpture, installation, site-specific projects, painting, and drawing.
Aritst Ismael de Anda III uses mutant practices including drawing, painting, sculpture, video, installation, and site-specific projects involving viewer participation, which focuses on re-interpretation of personal memory, inhabitation, and pluralistic cu
Benoit Delaunay is a contemporary artist and scenic designer. His work includes sculpture, site-specific installation, drawing and prints. Benoit Delaunay’s work focuses on situational and economic factors that motivate works of art and shape creative pra
Jordan Rodgers is a Liverpool based multimedia artist specialising in digital drawing and animation to exhibition and theatrical performance including puppetry, site-specific installation and outdoor projection.
Nicola Carberry Artist based in Glasgow. Mixed media stone carving, photography, drawing, sculpture, installation. Site specific projects Stirling based art group Hanging Together. Life drawing. Lecturer Glasgow Kelvin College, Dollar Summer School.
Jessica Houston's site-specific artworks explore the physical and immaterial nature of perception. Drawing upon early Modernism's formal and metaphysical concerns, she creates situations that use the phenomena of color, light, and sound to directly engage
alban elved dance company, originally from Berlin, Germany, seeks to shape meaning from the rich array of emotional experience. This daring interdisciplinary modern dance company creates eclectic and moving works....
Alex Rheault, from Portland, Maine, exhibits drawings, paintings, animation, zines, sculpture, and installation exploring dichotomous themes, i.e. chaos vs. order, tidy vs. untidy, continuous discontinuity.
The artworks of Mikyung Kim: sculpture, installations, site specific sculptures, drawings, paintings, environmental art, mixed media, public artwork, fine arts projects, and artistic constructions are the creations of one of the best female artists from S