Lastre in cartongesso e sistemi a secco per edilizia: Siniat produce componenti per pareti, controsoffitti e contropareti in cartongesso, gesso fibrato, lastre per esterno, lastre in cemento.
Siniat, formerly Lafarge Plasterboard, is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading plasterboard producers with factories in Ferrybridge and Bristol. Siniat GTEC Drywall Solutions.
Siniat, formerly Lafarge Plasterboard, is one of the UK and Irelandâs leading plasterboard producers with factories in Ferrybridge and Bristol. Siniat with clients ranging from jobbing builders and merchants to major commercial developers to deliver in
Le Mémento Dynamique, un outil de prescription innovant de SINIAT pour des informations pertinentes sur les performances des produits et leurs applications. Un véritable Guide de choix des systèmes avec les descriptifs correspondants
Simple, competitive national waste plasterboard recycling service. Flexible, competitively priced service to meet your needs, All types of Siniat GTEC plasterboard accepted, No excess tonnage charges
PLAtec, a Siniat brand, creates plasterboard volumes and shapes. These made to measure solutions feature in hotels, restaurants, stores, entertainment venues, shopping malls, offices, and communal areas of buildings.
Specjalizujemy się w pracach wykończeniowych takich jak wszelkiego rodzaju okładziny ścienne i podłogowe oraz sychych zabudowach w systemach ARMSTRONG, AMF Termatex, OWA, KNAUF, RIGIPS, SINIAT (NIDA) czy FERMACELL
A Gypsum Drywall oferece uma grande variedade de sistemas construtivos e produtos à base de gesso. A empresa é referência nos sistemas drywall no Brasil.