ATAC-Simmod <em>PRO!</em>'s modeling power is derived from the user-defined rules that query the state of the simulation and provide dynamic decision-making.
ATAC-Simmod <em>PRO!</em>'s modeling power is derived from the user-defined rules that query the state of the simulation and provide dynamic decision-making.
ATAC, Aviation simulation, modeling and analysis software developer including Simmod PRO!, PDARS, INM, AEDT, and NASMOD, RAADARs, modeling and tools for the aviation industry capacity, noise impact assessment
ATAC, Aviation simulation, modeling and analysis software developer including Simmod PRO!, PDARS, INM, AEDT, and NASMOD, RAADARs, modeling and tools for the aviation industry capacity, noise impact assessment
AirportVisions developes software tools for strategic airport planning.Unterstützungstools für Flughafenplaner und Manager zur Vorbereitung und Präsentation strategischer und taktischer Entscheidungen (z.B. Flughafenerweiterungen)