The mission of Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation is to provide vision related surgery and medical devices and accessory equipment, training and services to the visually impaired, blind, deaf and hard of hearing residents of Southern California.
For more than 70 years, The Sight Center of Northwest Pennsylvania has been our community's primary resource for prevention of blindness and services to people who are visually impaired.
Remote Lighthouse Inc - A non-profit organization, providing voice services for blind and sight impaired people to browse Internet or communicate with each other.
Remote Lighthouse Inc - A non-profit organization, providing voice services for blind and sight impaired people to browse Internet or communicate with each other.
multimedia transcription service is a leading resource for documents distributed by the public and private sector, schools, hospitals, providers of leisure time activities, disability related agencies, and the community at large. in addition, mts has be
A Braille transcription service owned and operated by a certified braille transcriber located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, U.S.A.; serving the needs of clients nationwide. High quality print to braille services by certified braille transcribers enabl
Programs and services for Rhode Islanders who are blind and visually impaired including low vision evaluations, support groups, diabetes counseling, radio reading service, daily living skills training, recreational programs, and chair caning.
Welcome to Low Vision Services PLC of VA and MD. Our eye doctors provide vision rehabilitation services to individuals who have low vision and are visually impaired. Our locations are conveniently located in downtown Bethesda Maryland and Old Town Alexand
While always respecting the dignity and rights of blind and visually impaired individuals, the mission of Savannah CBLV is the provision of quality services and activities designed to help each person served adjust to a severe vision loss and to function