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Shigeo Ito, an Accountancy Corporation, offer trustworthy, experienced certified public accountants who do tax planning and preparation. We are experts in all aspects of tax and accounting. Located in Altadena, California
the graphic artist from Japan born in Tokyo. Mainly, creating mixedmedia, collage and stencil works that based on the Street Art. love the Garbage... 佐藤重雄(サトウシゲオ) 東京生/グラフィティ、ペイストアップなど街にあふれるストリート
SMED is THE way to reduce change over and set-up times by a factor 10 or more. The SMED method has been developed by Shigeo Shingo.
Nowadays SMED is one of the TPM pillars, and the most effective way to meet the increasing diversity in customer demand.