Shift is a sustainable home goods store located in downtown Brunswick, Maine. Our products include yard and garden supplies like composters and worm bins, natural cleaning products, reusable lunchware, stainless steel accessories, non-toxic toys and games
Home - Shift Style Lab is located just south of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. We officially opened in November 2013 and have been...
Find your ideal flexible job at Work when, where & how you want with the UK's leading employers. From full-time flexi-hours, contract work, part-time & home/remote working - Flexiworkforce is 'Making!
Providing resume writing, LinkedIn profile writing and coaching, and social media personal branding to midlife professionals who are making a career change.
Advanced digital display solutions that integrate the latest in place-based video and lighting technologies to revitalize cities and provide brands with a highly marketable destination.