KOSUN is a leader in China’s solids control industry and expert in drilling waste management. KOSUN is capable of providing customers with such four series as oil & gas drilling solids control equipment, decanter centrifuges, drilling waste treatment
Kosun solid control system manufaturer offer solid control equipment, shale shaker, desander, desilter, mud cleaner, mud mixer, mud recycling system and so on,if you need solid control equiment, please email:[email protected]
The 3rd annual water management initiative designed specifically to help producers reduce the costs of sourcing and recycling and comply with the latest regulations during tight oil and shale gas exploitation in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Water Management & Proppant Logistics - Shale Gas & Tight Oil Argentina 2013
The 3rd Congress In The Shale Gas & Tight Oil Argentina Series Dedicated To Driving Down The Costs Of Shale Development In Unconventional Argentina
Produced Water Reuse Initiative 2013
Analyzing The Most Economic Techniques For Treating Produced Water To A High Enough Quality For Effective Reuse In Colorado, North Dakota, Utah, New Mexico And Wyoming
Day's Disposal Service of Muncy, PA offers both residential & commercial roll-off & mini roll-off service as well as residential trash pick up, commercial and industrial container service, general hauling and garbage pick up. Call the Day
GN Solids Control professional at drilling mud recycling system for oil gas drilling, & HDD & CBM drilling mud cleaning sworks. send email to: [email protected] or visit:...
KOSUN can handle oil & gas drilling fluids solids control equipment and drilling mud solids control system,such as shale shaker, decanter centrifuge ,drilling fluid mud cleaner,desander,desilter,vacuum degasser,complete drilling fluids purification system
MTI Inc, Texas manufactures custom & standard line of shale shakers, desilters, desanders, mud pump & mud cleaning systems for HDD, Oilfield, Mining, Geothermal & Water Well uses. Designed for maximum flexibility. New, Rent, & Parts for all major brands
September 10-11, Calgary, Canada, Enabling Producers To Reduce Freshwater Dependancy By Identifying The Latest, Tried And Tested Water Handling, Treatment And Recycling Techniques
Daily natural gas news and price data from NGI - Natural Gas Intelligence, covering North American shale and conventional gas markets. News, analysis, price data--all in one place.
Welcome and thanks for visiting Marcellus.com. This site will be your source for the latest most comprehensive news and information regarding the Marcellus Shale Play in New York, Pennsylvania, West Virgina, Ohio, and energy news. Our team of content writ
Eagle Ford Shale news updates delivered daily from the South Texas oilfield. Information for the oil & gas industry, royalty owners, and business owners