anya vedant, dancer, choreographer and teacher of modern and traditionell Raqs Sharqi, modern and traditionell Baladi, egyptian Shaabi,Ghawazee and Saidi, Flamenco Oriental, sufi wirling, dance medita
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.
Danse Orientale Montpellier Nîmes London Eve Danseuse Orientale diplômée en danse (Master) 13 ans d'expérience de la scène, 12 ans d'expérience pédagogique
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.
Danzatrice, insegnante e coreografa di danza orientale. Insegnante del Festival Ahlan Wa Sahlan che si tiene ogni anno a Il Cairo sotto la direzione artistica di Raqia Hassan.
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.
Belly Dance Journal of record, Middle Eastern Music and Dance. Gilded Serpent is an online resource in magazine format that seeks to be a library of knowledge supported by and for our community.