The website maintained by Dr. Alexander Leslie Klieforth and Dr. Robert J. Munro, authors of The Scottish Invention of America, Democracy and Human Rights: A History of Freedom and Liberty from the Ancient Celts to the New Millennium.
Video History Scotland DVD - Authors and Producers of exclusive DVDs covering British Scottish Steam Train DVD, Scottish British Highland Railway railroad vintage locomotives dvd. DVDs Paddle Steamer steamships clyde ships liners and shipping DVDs. DVDs c
Eye on Romance is a web site where romance readers and writers of the romance genre can come together to discuss featured books, authors, book characters, heros, heroines and plots.
Historical Romance Writers is a web site where readers and writers of the historical romance genre can come together to discuss spotlighted books, authors, and book characters and plots.
Eye on Romance is a web site where romance readers and writers of the romance genre can come together to discuss featured books, authors, book characters, heros, heroines and plots.
David Gray Caricatures presents for sale original artwork and prints of well-known figures from literature, politics and popular culture. Commissions may be undertaken on request.
Historical Romance Writers is a web site where readers and writers of the historical romance genre can come together to discuss spotlighted books, authors, and book characters and plots.