Vendor discount program for fundraising. Great for school fundraisers, sport teams or other organizations. Raise money fast and meet your fundraising goals quickly!
A fundraiser card is an easy fundraising idea for High School, Sports team leagues or Church Fundraisers. Riverside, California's Scholars Discount Card specializes in highly profitable discount card fundraiser programs for non-profit organizations just l
Best discount fundraising card ideas. Ideas for discount fundraiser cards to help schools, churches, sports teams and youth activity groups raise money.
Best discount fundraising card ideas. Ideas for discount fundraiser cards to help schools, churches, sports teams and youth activity groups raise money.
Check out our great American fundraising ideas for schools and sports teams, featuring our discount card fundraiser, magazine drive, and food fundraisers.
Better Discount Card fundraisers by Discount Card Pros. Fold Over Discount Cards offer more discounts, easier sales and more profit than other discount cards.
Fund Raising Services, Inc. for over 20 years has provided schools with fundraising products such as discount cards, cookie dough, peeler cards, and fundraising tickets to help them raise the thousand of dollars it takes to run their programs.