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Welcome to Sapmi Park! Taste the Sami cuisine! Catch the smell of open fire! Feel the softness of reindeer rugs! Enjoy a multimedia show about the Sami way of life! Listen to joik, the traditional Sami song!
Sápmi máilbmái / Sápmi ut i verden / Samiland to the world er en frivillig organisasjon - som har som hovedmål å synliggjøre samisk kultur ut i verden.
Céline Clanet is a photographer based in Paris, France. Her work deals with human territory, memory and identity issues // Céline Clanet est une photographe basée à Paris, France. Son travail traite des problématiques liées à l'identité, la mémoire, le te
Be Inspired by Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and their associated territories, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Åland Islands and Sápmi (Lapland)
Vi hämtar horn från både små och stora leverantörer ifrån hela Sápmi, dvs från Sverige, Norge och Finland. Vi kan leverera råa, saltade, pälsberedda samt tor...