Muz Murray (Ramana Baba) Mantra yoga master with 40 years experience in yoga, meditation, psychotherapy and massage. Mantra yoga workshops including nada yoga, shabda yoga, tantra mantra chanting, bija mantras.
Aporv means unique in Sanskrit. is the platform to help you find authentic and unique handmade products. At Aporv you will truly find something which aligns with your personal values.Mission:Our mantra is to ensure that correct choices are ma
The Vedic Healing Institute of Los Angeles offers Sanskrit mantra chanting classes, puja prayer ceremonies and spiritual healing events in the ancient vedic traditions of India
Visible Mantra : Buddhist Mantras You Can See. A resource for people who want to visualise or write Buddhist mantras, seed syllables, and Sanskrit names in traditional scripts (Siddhaṃ Uchen Devanagari Lantsa).
Site decicated to Online meditation,free online prayers for peace in the world, mental peace,family peace etc.Online meditation rooms take visitors on a journey of self discovery helping focus ones energies and harness the power of ancient sanskrit mantra
Site decicated to Online meditation,free online prayers for peace in the world, mental peace,family peace etc.Online meditation rooms take visitors on a journey of self discovery helping focus ones energies and harness the power of ancient sanskrit mantra
Peter leads meditative evenings of chant-based music. Experience the magic of Sanskrit and English language Mantra and the transformative power of Kirtan
World-renowned Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi of India offers keys to transformation and empowerment through palmistry, healing, meditation, and Sanskrit mantra chanting