MR. NOBODY tells the life story of Nemo Nobody, a 118-year-old man who is the last mortal on Earth after the human race has achieved quasi-immortality. On his deathbed, Nemo shares his life story with a reporter and reviews the choices he made along the w
George and Serena Pemberton (Academy Award® nominee Bradley Cooper and Academy Award® winner Jennifer Lawrence), love-struck newlyweds, begin to build a timber empire. Serena soon proves herself to be equal to any man: overseeing loggers, hunting rattlesn
Sir Tom Baker is London's finest modern bespoke tailor. Trained in Savile Row, based in Soho. He is known for business, wedding and rock n' roll suits. Customers include Robert Plant, Rhys Ifans and David Hasselhoff. True British bespoke tailoring at its
Spider-Man kehrt zurück auf die große Leinwand – zum ersten Mal in 3D. Die Hauptrollen in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN spielen Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Martin Sheen und Sally Field.
À la fin des années 20, George et Serena Pemberton, jeunes mariés, s'installent dans les montagnes de Caroline du Nord, où ils sont décidés à faire fortune dans l'indus
Serena no tarda en demostrar su valía en un mundo de hombres, sea a la hora de supervisar a leñadores, cazar serpientes de cascabel, o incluso salvar la vida de un hombre en el monte. Con poder e influencia suficientes en sus manos, los Pemberton no permi
Brought together by Mark Roberts, formerly of stratospheric hitmakers Catatonia and Dafydd Ieuan – the rhythmic pulse of leftfield pop alchemists Super Furry Animals, the line up is completed by bassist Tristan Marley and the formidable presence of Dionne