Play audio files backwards online to find out if they have any hidden messages. Upload a song or voice recording to our server and we will play it backwards.
Chatterback is a fascinating speech based Board Game in which players move around the board collecting tokens by identifying words and sentences spoken by a team member, which are recorded and played in reverse. 1800 clues corresponding to 8 different cat
Our goal is to enlist millions of people in a collaborative effort to reverse the trend toward vulgarity and obscenity in everyday speech, pervasive profanity, verbal bullying, mean-spirited and derisive humor, and purposeful character assassination.
City Notify Specializes In Emergency Notifications and Incident Management, Emergency Notification Software, Mass Notification Systems, Pandemic Communication Solution, Government Alerts
WHYISLAM.IN I E-source to know, understand and follow the true faith, to achieve peace in this life and hereafter. The life style, accepted in the sight of Almighty, the knowledge of true faith based on facts, logic and literature revealed by the Creat
We, the undersigned, do petition The Right Honourable Theresa May MP the Home Secretary and the Right Honourable David Cameron, Prime Minister, to reverse their decision to ban the two civil rights speakers, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from the UK...
We, the undersigned, do petition The Right Honourable Theresa May MP the Home Secretary and the Right Honourable David Cameron, Prime Minister, to reverse their decision to ban the two civil rights speakers, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from the UK...