"The Christian Community, Movement for Religious Renewal - about The Christian Community in Australia and New Zealand. Up-to-date Programmes, Events, News"
Many religions and God is only one. When having hope and praying, we change our karma. Guidance and help to those who need to change their karma, in health, in a family, in a business, and to change the bioenergy of the person. It is the best way out from
CHRISTIANITY: THEN & NOW is a monthly on-line publication for Churches of Christ. Every issue deals with such important subjects as: Change Agents and Change Movement, Religious Liberalism, The Unity of Church of Christ Brotherhood, and many others.
Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.
Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.
Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.
Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.
Bnei Akiva is the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world, with over 125,000 members in 37 countries. It was established in Mandate Palestine in 1929.
FONELISCO (Foundation of New Life for Street Children and Orphans) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization striving to help the street children and orphans of Mwanza, Tanzania.
FONELISCO is not affiliated with any religious or political movement
Religious Sermons and MP3. Traditional Movement and changes in the Catholic Church. Baptism of desire. Informative information. My Petition for Spiritual Help. CMRI, Bishop Francis K. Schuckardt, Bishop Louis Vezelis, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Arc
This is a religious movement, in which many Christians cooperate in spreading the Word. Its work is financed by unsolicited contributions. The purpose of this movement is to preach the truth of the Bible, to promote growth in Christ likeness, to spread a
Eric Teetsel directs the Manhattan Declaration, a national movement of Christians for life, marriage, and religious freedom. Before joining the Declaration, he founded the Values & Capitalism program at the American Enterprise Institute and worked at
1 Nation is a clothing line with a movement. That movement is about progress, knowledge, strength, and helping out others for no reason, but to do so. It's about not having lines whether racial, religious, political, gender, etc. 1nation is understood if
The Glorious Ad-Dharm Movement of India | Ad-Dharm was recognized as an independent separate religious identity of the Untouchable Castes in the Census 1931 A.D.
Ambedkar Today is a Ambedkarite Buddhist Magazine. Publishes from Jaunpur & Lucknow (UP).It focuses on Social, Religious, Buddha, Ambedkar & Other Bahujan Mahapurush and topics that are related to SC/ST & OBC movement.
By embracing God's love for the City, City Church is committed to seeing the Gospel bring renewal to Saint Louis through a movement of churches by which hurting people experience hope, skeptics find answers, religious people lose their religion, and all f
We are a movement, a religious order, a sect, a political body, a terrorist group, a magazine, a lifestyle, a blog, a national security threat, a global presence, a network, an ideology. Call us what...
..A common misconception about homeschooling is that it’s only for conservative religious families. This misunderstanding come from the fact that many of the movement’s early advocates were religious families wanting to remove their children from w...
FIRM highlights blatant prejudice against religious minorities.
For example, button words like cult and cult leader are used much like nigger was prior to the
civil rights movement.
A Global movement by individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions whose first priority and core objective in every step and every function; social, economical, political, scientific, cultural, educational, or religious - is social responsibility.
Goddess Spirituality is a movement … a practice … a belief system made up of women and men from all walks of life and all types of religious backgrounds and
Manhattan Declaration is a movement of Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians for life, marriage, and religious liberty. Ours is, as it must be, a truly consistent ethic of love and life for all humans in all circumstances.