We heal children with reactive attachment disorder and promote healthy family bonds. Since 1972, our nonprofit has lead the way in treatment, education and advocacy in our field.
Kim Seidel, MA, LPC, NCC, is a Reactive Attachment Disorder Specialist practicing in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Ms Seidel has a plethora of experience working with adopted children with behavior problems.
Apprenticeship Parenting shows parents how understanding the science of attachment can transform parenting. Adoptive parents find help with questions about adoption and attachment issues and Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Webinars, Christian parent
Apprenticeship Parenting shows parents how understanding the science of attachment can transform parenting. Adoptive parents find help with questions about adoption and attachment issues and Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Webinars, Christian parent
Nancy Thomas offers informational products, resources, and hope for those who care for children with Attachment Disorder or Reactive Attachment Disorder.
Attachment Disorder Center evaluating and treating adopted and foster children and teens with reactive attachment disorder and adoption related issues. We treat US and Internationally adopted children.
Hope and Healing for Traumatized Children and their Families. An international support group for families of children with reactive attachment disorder, childhood trauma, or developmental trauma disorder. Child abuse, neglect, medical pain, orphanages,