MODTRAN is an atmospheric radiative transfer model developed by Spectral Sciences Inc. and the US Air Force Research Laboratory. It has been extensively validated and serves as a standard atmospheric band model for the remote sensing community.
MODTRAN is an atmospheric radiative transfer model developed by Spectral Sciences Inc. and the US Air Force Research Laboratory. It has been extensively validated and serves as a standard atmospheric band model for the remote sensing community.
MODTRAN is an atmospheric radiative transfer model developed by Spectral Sciences Inc. and the US Air Force Research Laboratory. It has been extensively validated and serves as a standard atmospheric band model for the remote sensing community.
retrieving pressure, temperature, H2O, O3, and CO2 volume mixing ratios from non-LTE infrared radiance measurements. Interpretation of infrared satellite observations of the clouds in the lower atmosphere.
linux for scientists and engineering along with radiative transfer papers on monte carlo simulation, invariant imbedding and twilight with spherical geometry
Mocassin - a fully 3D photoionisation and radiative transfer code which employs a Monte Carlo approach to the transfer of radiation through media of arbitrary geometry and density distribution.
Orthorectification and atmospheric correction of airborne and satellite remote sensing data. Hyperspectral and imaging spectrometry tools. Modtran 5 radiative transfer simulations of at-sensor radiance. ReSe-Remote Sensing Software Applications, Daniel Sc
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