Pyro-Chem products pre-engineered restaurant, gas station, industrial fire suppression systems, FM-200 Clean-Agent Fire Suppression Systems, Detection and Control Panels, FLAG FIRE portable fire extinguishers
Fire blankets by Pyro-Gear help provide safety for your family in the case of a fire. Popular products include a kitchen fire blanket, baby blanket, rapid response extrication blanket, and other fireproof blankets.
Pyro-Chem products pre-engineered restaurant, gas station, industrial fire suppression systems, FM-200 Clean-Agent Fire Suppression Systems, Detection and Control Panels, FLAG FIRE portable fire extinguishers
Multimedia artist Von Cotu has developed a unique art creation process, dubbed Pyro Chemography, wherein he uses fire and chemicals to paint on large-format photographic film and other media.
Multimedia artist Von Cotu has developed a unique art creation process, dubbed Pyro Chemography, wherein he uses fire and chemicals to paint on large-format photographic film and other media.
Pyro Fire is an automated fireworks controller designed and developed by ilecDesign Pty Ltd. The Pyro Fire controller allows the ease of synchronising the system to music, and the ability to have roof top wireless connectivity for future expansion.